Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Potentially awesome movies that's gonna take me (and you) forever to see

As the year comes to a close and critics come out with their "best of the year" list when it comes to movies, you'll probably notice a few films on their list that you don't recognize or that you haven't seen. That's because those critics got special advanced screenings and we are left out into the cold. I hate having to wait more than a month to see a film that's apparently been out in a limited release.

127 Hours was "released" on November 5th yet it's out in like 100 theaters right now. Why? The director's last film won best picture! It grossed over $100 million! 127 Hours is getting rave reviews, are you telling me there isn't a mainstream audience for this film? Almost everyone I know, who has seen the trailer, is interested in this movie.

And you know "Black Swan" is going to be treated the same way. Black Swan has had an endless amount of buzz since it premiered in the fall festivals and it comes out in a limited release this weekend so that probably means we won't see til Christmas, or worse, January. What kinda shit is that? That's why I'm not releasing a final "top 10 of 2010" list until March or something. How can I say what my top 10 is when I haven't seen two of my most anticipated movies?

Here are some other films to look out for over the next month or so, if you think this Holiday season is devoid of good movies, that's not the case. Their frickin studios simply won't or can't afford to release them nationally right away.

Black Swan
127 Hours
Rabbit Hole
The King's Speech
Blue Valentine
Another Year

If you haven't heard of those films yet, google them. I guarantee you my "best of 2010" list is going to have at least two or three of those films on it. Yet, I'll have to wait 'til after mid-January to know that for sure. I almost guarantee I won't be able to see Rabbit Hole or Another Year in the theaters.

Oh, to live in NYC or LA...

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