Friday, October 1, 2010

Top 10 films of the year so far

Now that The Social Network has been released and I've seen it, it's time for a brief re-evaluation of the year so far. There's a few films already released that I've yet to see (Never Let Me Go, The American), and November and December have a ton of films that could influence this top 10 list. But what do we have now?

1. Inception
2. Toy Story 3
3. The Social Network
4. Winter's Bone
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
6. Shutter Island
7. Greenberg
8. The Town
9. Cyrus
10. The Other Guys

Honorable mentions: The Kids Are All Right, Kick-Ass

I know people are high on The Kids Are All Right and I think it's a good movie, but in all honesty, there were enough things wrong with it that kept me from liking it as much I wanted to. The Other Guys and The Town are very solid genre films and obviously they'll be bumped off the list eventually... or I at least assume. Also, Cyrus and Greenberg are great, light comedy/character dramas that kind of round out my top 10.

Looking forward to these last three months in film.

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