Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mid-way Point, part 3, looking ahead to September and October

As I previously mentioned, August still has a few interesting films left: David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis, Spike Lee's Red Hook Summer, and John Hillcoat's Lawless.

I'm not gonna go too far ahead and talk about November and December movies right now, we'll get there when the time comes. There are a lot of films coming out in September and October that I want to bring my attention to. Instead of ranking them in terms of importance, I'll just list them and tell you their release date. After all, this is just about giving these films attention first and foremost.

Let's go to September:

Gangster Squad

There's really just three movie titles that perk my interest in the month of September, the first one is Gangster Squad. Only problem with Gangster Squad is that Warner Bros recently decided to re-shoot the now-controversial scene of the gangsters shooting in the movie theater. That scene is apparently a very climactic scene in the film and it appeared in the trailer. Well, now they're planning on re-shooting and re-writing that scene. Sounds risky, especially considering the release date is just over a month away. It's likely that the film's release will have to be delayed so it's only on this list right now because they haven't changed the release date yet.

Having said that, this is a film with Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Anthony Mackie, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone directed by Ruben Fleischer. This would be Fleischer's first film that's not a comedy but his previous films Zombieland and 30 Minutes or Less had a lot of visual flare to it. I think it'll be interesting to see how his style translate to this film, which definitely looks to have a lot of style. Let's hope there's enough substance to match that style.

Release date, for now: September 7th

Killing Them Softly

Andrew Dominik's third film is the crime drama Killing Them Softly starring Brad Pitt. This is their second collaboration together, their first being The Assassination of Jesse James. That was an amazing film so I'm really looking forward to this one. Great word-of-mouth came out of Cannes, a lot of them touting it as the anti-thriller for our times. I can't wait.

Release date: September 21st


Looper just looks cool as hell. I don't know how great it'll be, but the third film from writer/director Rian Johnson is a sci-fi with a simple premise but any premise dealing with time travel will always be baffling. Plus, you got the prospect of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis playing the same character and they're trying to kill each other. The trailer is just badass as well. I'm lukewarm about Rian Johnson's first two films but I think he's gonna step it up with Looper.

Release date: September 28th

October movies


This is the first Tim Burton film I've looked forward to in quite some time. Based on a short he made almost 30 years ago, it's interesting to see him go back to his past and try to make this into a feature. Featuring his trademark animated style, his animated films lately have been better than his live action films.

Release date: October 5th


Ben Affleck, as a director, has proven that he's definitely got the skills and the craft. Now he's stepping up with an interesting story that once was on the CIA's classified list. It's got a great cast and the trailer looks nice and snazzy. It'll be Ben Affleck's first period piece (set in the '70s). I'm interesting in seeing how much he has grown as a director the third time around.

 Release date: October 12th

The Master

I've probably reported on this movie more than any other this year and it's for a good reason. I'm a huge PT Anderson fan and The Master just looks brilliant. It's gotten praise from every actor PTA showed it to. Megan Ellison, the woman responsible for giving this film the green-light and the budget that PTA needed was recently quoted as saying that the film "changed her life." Wow. Joaquin Phoenix looks fantastic, Phillip Seymour Hoffman is awesome as usual. I'm not even doubting that this film will be bad, the only question I have is will the Academy like it as well? Not that the Oscars matter, but I would be floored with Paul Thomas Anderson won one. There Will Be Blood showed he's working on a different level than everyone else. I'm foaming out of the mouth over this one.

October 12th


[no poster yet]

From a Coen Brothers' screenplay, directed by Michael Hoffman, starring Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz. Will this be any good? Maybe. I don't really have much info on it, to be honest, but with a good cast and presumably a good script, this could be pretty good.

Release date: October 12th

Cloud Atlas

[no poster yet]

Finally, we come to the Wachowski brothers and Tom Tykwer. The three of them came together on this 164-minute sci-fi epic. Starring Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant, Halle Berry, and Hugo Weaving... more info about this film will come about in the next few weeks I assume. It's been awhile since the Wachowski Bros have been involved with a film that I've been interested in, let's hope they're able to make a great film.

Release date: October 26th

The Sessions

A lot of great reviews came out about this film starring John Hawkes and Helen Hunt when it premiered in Sundance. John Hawkes stars in this film about a man with an iron lung who seeks to lose his virginity with the help of a sex surrogate. The film has a lighter tone than you would expect but I'm sure John Hawkes's performance will garner him awards attention. Either way, it's sure to have a limited release so be patient.

Release date: October 26th

Hmmm... seemed like there were more good films coming out those months, I guess not. Oh well, there's still some really solid ones there. Argo, The Master, Killing Them Softly, and Looper all look like winners at this point. Trailers will be posted when we get closer to those release dates. I was surprised to find out quite a few of those films have no trailers yet.

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