Friday, July 27, 2012

The Master and Killing Them Softly switch release dates

The Master is now being released on September 14th, Killing Them Softly gets the October 12th release date. Why? I don't really know. The Master already has a trailer, a teaser poster, and two clips posted. Killing Them Softly still doesn't have a trailer... maybe they wanna spend more time planning a marketing strategy for Killing Them Softly? Considering Andrew Dominik's last film and collaboration with Brad Pitt didn't garner a huge audience when it first came out. Anyway, it's good news for people waiting to see The Master. There's still some debate as to what festival The Master will land at. Rumor has it PT Anderson isn't a fan of the big festivals which is why it's not appearing at Venice or Toronto. Still, it has a chance to be seen at Telluride. Some even say it might get a surprise screening at Toronto. Who knows... thing is, the Weinsteins love film festivals so you know they're gonna push for a festival appearance somewhere.

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