Saturday, August 18, 2012

Zero Dark Thirty teaser; Kathryn Bigelow

Zero Dark Thirty is Kathryn Bigelow's upcoming film due to come out December 19th. Could this be the start of a mid-late career renaissance for Bigelow? Or did the magic stop with The Hurt Locker? Good signs include the risky subject matter, the return of screenwriter Mark Boal, but this isn't an under the radar indie. All eyes will be on this film, can Kathryn Bigelow deliver?

The Hurt Locker put her firmly back on the map of directors to be taken seriously. She had a string of above-average to good action films in the late '80s through to the mid '90s with Point Break and Strange Days being creative highs. But then she started to fade into obscurity with a string of flops until The Hurt Locker came out in 2009 and subsequently won critics' hearts and a bunch of Oscars.

This was not for no reason. The Hurt Locker showcased Kathryn Bigelow's talents in a big way. Talents that have been there all along but never quite fully realized, perhaps, until that film. The fact that she has a very tight handle on her craft, can deliver thrills and suspense, and can direct action better than most... the strong performances and story finally gave Kathryn Bigelow a film that could fully utilize her talents.

So this'll be a big moment in Bigelow's career, bigger than her winning Best Director (first woman to ever do so). That was a huge moment, but if she can follow through with another great film, then we may have to brace ourselves for a fully reinvigorated veteran craftsman, ready for the next stage of her career. It's an exciting prospect, but at this point, just an idea.

As it is, the teaser Zero Dark Thirty doesn't leave all that much to be desired. Here's hoping a trailer will soon be released that can really give us something to wrap our minds around.

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