Friday, July 16, 2010

Mad Men season 4 coming in just over a week.

Yes, I know I only talk about films here, but I am a huge Mad Men fan. Mad Men is one of my all-time favorite tv shows and every episode is worth analyzing and dissecting... which is what I'll be doing every Monday after each new episode this season. If there's one tv show for me to write about, it'd be Mad Men.

Mad Men features great performances across the board and in the later seasons, some minor characters have begun to become a lot more interesting and complex. But the true anchor of this cast is Jon Hamm's Don Draper.

What makes Don Draper such a compelling figure isn't just his womanizing, his secretive past, or his ingenuity in the advertising field. It's the potential he has. Here is a man who tries his best to be ordinary, but isn't ordinary at all. Don Draper appears to be so powerful and strong and always tries to get himself back up and appear tough in times of weakness. The genius of the Donald Draper is never what he does with his power, but what he can do. Draper always appears as if he could tear down just about anybody, but more often than not, he builds it up and holds in it until it finally bursts. Whether it's punching Jimmy Berret or letting loose on his wife when she threatens divorce, or when he humiliates Duck Phillips in front of Duck's own UK cronies... Don Draper never disappoints. But like I said, that's not what makes him such a compelling and powerful figure. It's about how he holds that power, how you never know what he's truly capable of. That kind of unpredictability simply does not exist with other TV characters. After awhile, you start to figure them out and can tell how they're going to react in certain situations. But never with Don Draper. We're entering season four, he's starting off completely new with his own ad agency and... we just don't know what to expect.

That's why Mad Men season four should be great. So tune into AMC on July 25th and watch the greatness of Mad Men continue.

(I'll be out of town during that weekend so I probably won't write about the season premiere until that following Tuesday.)

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